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Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Oops, Wrong Planet

"Damnit, Scotty, you set the coordinates wrong again! And what happened to our uniforms?"

[Alex Huber, Stephan Siegrist, and Thomas Huber, left to right, in Queen Maud Land, Antarctica. Read the story of their three new routes here.]

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Book News

I've been hearing about some very interesting new books in the works, and the one I'm most looking forward to is alpinist Steve House's first book. Called Beyond the Mountain, it will be published in early September by Patagonia Books—House has been a Patagonia "ambassador" for a decade. The book will be comprised of climbing stories loosely organized around House's three expeditions to Nanga Parbat, and it will have 75 photos, including some color. I've worked with Steve on several stories and he's a very strong writer. As the first book from America's premier active alpinist, this should be a winner.

Greg Mortenson, the school-building author of the bestselling Three Cups of Tea, has another book in the works.


Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Alpinist Lives

As predicted, Vermont-based Height of Land Publications has purchased the assets of Alpinist. As not predicted, the new owners plan to bring back the magazine in much the same style and format that readers once enjoyed. The press release follows:


Sunday, January 18, 2009

Messing with Your Head

You know how sometimes you get songs stuck in your head when you're climbing? (Or weeding. Or trying to sleep.) I've suffered through Queen lyrics. Radiohead riffs on endless repeat. Once I couldn't get "Frosty the Snowman" out of my head. But yesterday, eight hours into a 13-hour day in the mountains, I hit a new low: I noticed that names and phrases from The Da Vinci Code were rattling around my skull—I'd been listening to the CD on the way to the trailhead. Now it was:

Sir Leigh Teabing.... Hieros Gamos.... the sacred feminine.... the Priory of Sion...

Oh God, please...make it stop!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Small-World Department

Next month the British Mountaineering Council will host its biannual winter climbing meet in Scotland. I went to the last winter meet, in 2007, and not long ago I was reminded of this superb week when a guy sent me a photo of a familiar-looking cliff. I had attempted a new route on this crag on the final day of the 2007 meet.


Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Department of Blasphemy and Scatology

The New Alpine Briefs

We've published the second edition of the Alpine Briefs, the online newsletter from the editors of the American Alpine Journal. Guess that means it's officially a periodical.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Monday Morning Time Waster

Eric Perlman has been submitting clips from his upcoming Masters of Stone VI video to, featuring last summer's record-breaking speed climb of the Nose by Hans Florine and Yuji Hirayama. Three segments are now live, and they're great fun to watch. In any discussion of big-wall speed climbing, you always hear that records are broken not by climbing super-fast but by climbing moderately fast with minimal pauses, and, indeed, Hans and Yuji don't appear to be sprinting: the climbers move methodically; their ropes snag; Yuji forgets to unclip a sling and curses "Merde!"; the two debate who's supposed to move next; Yuji tugs on the rope for slack—at times they seem like two bumblies on a big-wall ascent, yet they're climbing El Cap in less than three hours.

Tuesday, January 06, 2009

The Rumor Mill

Height of Land Publications, the Vermont-based publisher of Backcountry and Telemark Skier magazines, is rumored to have purchased the assets of bankrupt Alpinist at auction, with the sale expected to close this week. The company has not yet responded to a request for comment. An earlier rumor put the final bid at $71,000 and indicated the buyer planned to publish Alpinist as a magazine in some form, but we'll have to wait and see exactly what that means.

Monday, January 05, 2009

Winter Jollies

Sunday's forecast for the Front Range called for cold (high about 8°F at 12,000 feet) but no wind. That sounded like a good day for some winter mountaineering, so Paul Gagner and I laid plans for the east ridge of Mt. Bancroft, a 13,250-foot peak I discovered in Dave Cooper's excellent Colorado Snow Climbs. The peak is relatively close to the road (2.5 miles) and has limited avalanche danger. The normal east ridge is a great moderate mountaineering route, with some knife-edge snow ridges, much third-class scrambling, a rappel into a notch, and a very short fifth-class wall to surmount. When Paul and I arrived at the foot of the ridge, the air was absolutely still, as promised, and both of us kept staring at the large broken wall that forms the right side of the lower ridge. We only had a single 9mm rope, three cams, and one ice axe apiece—just enough for the 5.2 step on the normal route—but the climbing did not look difficult and we decided to give it a try.

Below, a pan of Bancroft's east ridge, with the crux of the normal route at the obvious notch in the middle. Our variation start is down and around the corner to the right of the base. 


Saturday, January 03, 2009

Climber Artist Series: Norio Matsumoto

I'm not sure how the work of Norio Matsumoto has slipped past me all these years, but I'm grateful to have discovered him now, through the blog of Talkeetna Air Taxi, which has flown Matsumoto into the Alaska Range each winter for the past 10 years. Matsumoto, 36, spends his summers photographing humpback whales from remote islands in southeast Alaska, and his winters photographing northern lights and stunning mountain landscapes from the air and from his base-camp igloo on a glacier in the Alaska Range.


Thursday, January 01, 2009

Happy New Year!

To clear skies and styrofoam snow,
solid rock and adequate pro.